Thursday 9 July 2015

Scoutin' and Skulkin': Lunenburg Invasion

Ahoy me matey’s! Arriv’d in Lunenburg town tonight under the heavy cover o' dusk fer some skulkin’ and scoutin’.  Found us some fine lookin’ establishm’nts to keep on th’ list fer some shenanigan’s on July 25 and 26, 2015. Blimey…this huge ol’ gracious  gem perch’d high above the waterfront…looks like a fine spot...think we should rename her Pirate Bay Academy, aft’r the Invasion! Har! Har! Har! Then ev’ryone can learn to be jest like us…parents will be so proud! Arrrgggg!  

Aft’rwards, me crew went a’missin’. That slimy bunch of sea dogs prob’bly hit the local w’tring hole or took in the musical mayhem o’ Glimpses at th’ Fisheries Museum on Tuesday and Thursday nights in Lunenburg at 7:30….It’s ev’n that bunch of low life scoundr’ls could get in…though if they join the singin’…they may git tossed out on th'r smelly butts!! So, I found this guy, ‘Jimmy Leg Pins’, he’s gonna keep a sharp lookout on th’ comin’s and a goin’s of the fine ships of the Port of Lunenburg fer us and report back! I figure I ken depend on him more than that bunch of lazy  rascals that disappear’d!!!

Keep yer eye here, fer more scoutin’ finds and general lies and tomfoolery!

Fair winds, me matey's. May ye itch less tom'rro then ya did t’day!

Bloody Mary

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