Friday 10 July 2015

A fine place t'be a pirate!!! Arggg!

Argggg! Spent some fine time scopin’ out the ol’ Town t’day.  I disgus’d meself as a tourist, so no one would s’spect me schemin’! She was a might bit wurm down there on the waterfront…and lots of people were roamin’ ‘round. Noticed a few scuvry ones who could be plannin’ an Invasion too…..sum o’ them seem to be hangin’ ‘round the Fisheries Museum. Best t’keep an eye on that place! Keep yur eyes peel’d and your swords a’ the ready when ye spies this:

And, me scum sucking lads and lasses, it appears we is in good company! These Lunenburg town folk, scruffians, and fishermen seem to be a ‘crafty bunch’…jest the way we likes ‘em! See, I ev’n got’s the proof:

Alas, me crew, the best news o’ the day! ‘pparently these fine kin, also like their grog...lots a places to get a tasty brew, and they’s ev’n havin' a ‘Hoot-a-Nanny’ this here week’nd.  She’s gonna be a fine Invasion me mates!!!  

Fair winds, me mateys! May y'itch less tom'rro then ya did t’day! 

Bloody Mary 

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