Saturday 25 July 2015

Dear Diary....LunenburgInvasion Day 1:

A fine misty mornin' fer Invadin' the Fine town of Lunenburg!!!!....The townsfolk never knew what's 'it em! Arggg!!!! 

Under the cover of a fine sheet of rain, we managed to highjack Cap'n Cruiser Kyle:
'Ruff up a few of the folks 'bout town:
Avoid the RCMP....err...well, fer awhile anyway:

Board the Bluenose and take 'er over!:

Meet some pirates in trainin':

Have a pirate mosh pit:

And the Kings Orange  Rangers made their presence felt, shootin' their muskets, patrollin' the town in their fancy red off's!

A special thanks to the Lunenburg Rotary Club fer sponsorin' all of the fun and shenanigans and takin' care of us pirates this weekend...And  everyone knows we be needin' some full time supervision! ARGGGG!!!!
 And  most of all had a blast....we be headin' for some groggin' and jiggin' round 'bout the local taverns tonight if'n's ye wants to join us!!! Be sure to bring yer thirsty! If not, see ye's  tomorro' on the Lunenburg Waterfront!!! Argggg!

Fair winds, me matey's.  May y'itch less tom'rro then ya did t’day!

Bloody Mary

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