Thursday, 23 July 2015

Rogues Gallery: Scabby Dan

Here's a wee bit of info on  a few o'the grubby, smelly crew's ye be meetin' this here weekend at the Lunenburg Invasion!!! Ye's ken bet's that it may not be entir'ly factual....afterall we's pirates! Stretchin' and Makin' the truth is what's we dues best!  We's startin' with the "Leader' of the pack....most distinguished fer his stench, lyin' and other 'fine' piratin' skills! Arggg!


Scabby Dan was born in Cornwall, England ta a gypsy woman named Nelly Scabbe. It’s  rumoured (by Scabby) that ‘is father was a Lord who took to his mother in a state of passion, then abandoned ‘er 22 seconds later.

 Two years passed before Daniel Scabbe (Scabby Dan’s birth name) and ‘is younger and much uglier half brother Fester Scabbe, were adopted by a First Nations tribe that ‘ad settled on a reservation in Cornwall from the USA. They brought Scabby up and gave ‘im the name of Pale Face. Not because ‘is skin were whiter than theirs, but because ‘e ‘as a face like a bucket.

On reaching manhood at the age of ten, Scabby Dan, along with his half brother Fester were sold to Cap’n Benjamin Shagnasty, a vicious and hateful man that sailed the seven seas on the pirate ship ‘Despicable Death’.

Scabby started at the very bottom and slowly and steadfastly dragged ‘imself further
down. No-one at any time has got lower than Scabby Dan, and to ‘is credit ‘e still sits at the very abyss of existence to this day. This man is a legend in ‘is own underpants.

Fair winds, me matey's.  May y'itch less tom'rro then ya did t’day!

Bloody Mary

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